
Benefits of Traditional Walk Off Floor Mats

In many cases, business owners haven’t given the mats they use a whole lot of thought. But there comes a time when the grime, dirt and dust tracked into a facility becomes a bit too noticeable and finding a better mat solution becomes more of a priority. Commercial floor mats can offer businesses the right type of floor coverage while also supporting the health and safety of employees and customers. Choosing the best floor mats for your Toronto area business really can make a difference! Read more

Why Use Brush Mats?

Interested in knowing more about a solution that can help eliminate a common business problem from spreading? In every single business, dirt, water and grime will be tracked inside from the shoes and boots of both customers and employees. The substances that are brought in from foot traffic means that unless you do something to stop dirt in its tracks, it will make its way into all parts of your facility. So, how can business owners stop the outside from being tracked all over the inside? The best answer lies in using mats for business, and particularly, making sure you have brush mats in place. Read more

Mats & Floorcare

We’ve talked previously about the importance of office mats and how they help your business succeed. Choosing the best floor mats that are both clean and safe, will contribute to the positive first impression you want people to have about your business. The right safety floor mats will also ensure a safe environment for both employees and customers. But have you also thought about what the right office mats can do for your floors?

As much as 80% of dirt carried into your business comes in from shoes and boots. The right office mats will keep your floors in good condition and reduce the wear and tear by protecting them from mud, moisture, bacteria and grime. This means that you will spend less money long term on floor maintenance, repair and replacement.

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Should You Buy Or Rent Your Commercial Floor Mats?

Different businesses and facilities will take different approaches when it comes to the maintenance and safety of their space. Our mat rental experts at City Clean often get asked whether it is better to buy or rent commercial floor mats and we know that there isn’t one answer that will work for everyone.  However, when it comes to floor mat rentals, we can tell you that there are many advantages to using a mat rental service. Read more

How to Avoid Slippery & Unprotected Floors

It can take just seconds for an employee or a customer to trip and fall. While it may not seem glamorous to think about, there are several things business owners can do to decrease the likelihood of a slip or fall accident taking place on their premises. Slippery and unprotected floors are the highest cause of slips and falls – that fact alone should be enough to ensure that you are doing what you can to keep employees and customers safe.

Generally speaking, slips and trips happen because of a loss of traction between footwear and the walking surface or due to contact with an uneven or movable object (business floor mats that are not properly secured). Read more