
3 Reasons You Should Invest In Commercial Floor Mats

Commercial floor mats are one of the most important investments you can make when it comes to making sure that your business remains clean. While we know it can sometimes be difficult to decide to make the investment, mats for business provide countless benefits not only for employees but for everyone who enters your space. Read more

Why Safety Rubber Mats Should Be Installed In Every Office

As businesses across Mississauga face the start of another Canadian winter, now is the time to make sure you have the right safety rubber mats in place. The harsh winter weather certainly increases safety concerns, which can often lead to reduced productivity, but you also need to be mindful of the wear and tear experienced by your floors. A hefty maintenance and repair bill come the spring is not a situation you want to find yourself in. Read more

Impress Your Clients with Customized Floor Mats

Your office space can welcome, impress and retain your customers. Do you prioritize what your office or retail space looks like so that you’ll make the best impression possible? Even if you feel like your products and services speak for themselves, adding things like custom floor mats and really going the extra mile to make your space impressive can increase your overall profitability. Read more

Commercial Mats For Restaurants, Cafeterias, And Food Service Businesses

Commercial mats are necessary for any restaurant or food service environment. The right commercial floor mats will improve the safety, functionality, and comfort for both employees and guests. With slippery or slick floor surfaces and employees standing on their feet for long periods of time, choosing the right mat for your industry is imperative. When it comes to options for commercial mats that are geared toward the restaurant industry, there are actually many options to choose from. Read more

Healthy Work Environment With the Help of Commercial Mats

When business owners make an effort to create a healthy work environment, everyone benefits. If employees are feeling well, they are more productive and less likely to take sick days. There are many things that can be done to improve a workplace environment, and using commercial mats should be at the top of that list. Read more

Benefits of Traditional Walk Off Floor Mats

In many cases, business owners haven’t given the mats they use a whole lot of thought. But there comes a time when the grime, dirt and dust tracked into a facility becomes a bit too noticeable and finding a better mat solution becomes more of a priority. Commercial floor mats can offer businesses the right type of floor coverage while also supporting the health and safety of employees and customers. Choosing the best floor mats for your Toronto area business really can make a difference! Read more

Why Use Brush Mats?

Interested in knowing more about a solution that can help eliminate a common business problem from spreading? In every single business, dirt, water and grime will be tracked inside from the shoes and boots of both customers and employees. The substances that are brought in from foot traffic means that unless you do something to stop dirt in its tracks, it will make its way into all parts of your facility. So, how can business owners stop the outside from being tracked all over the inside? The best answer lies in using mats for business, and particularly, making sure you have brush mats in place. Read more

How Branded Mats Can Help Your Business

Branded mats with your company’s logo or slogan can go a long way toward helping your business succeed. Keep reading to find out four ways high-quality and professionally branded commercial floor mats or office mats can help your company stand out from your competition. Read more

5 Types of Floor Mats That Can Help Your Business

With more than 40 years of experience in the floor mat rentals business, City Clean can confidently guide companies into choosing the right kind of mats for their business.  It may seem like choosing your commercial floor mats would be a straightforward decision, but many are surprised to learn that there are many different types of floor mats and each of them serves their own unique purpose. When sourcing commercial floor mats, be sure to work with an expert in the field so that you choose the right mats to get the results you need. Read more