4 Winter Safety Tips For Warehouses

Winter brings its own unique set of safety challenges for commercial spaces, including warehouses. Because warehouses can become significantly more dangerous in winter, it’s important to take a proactive attitude when it comes to health and safety. Your warehouse space may already include anti fatigue comfort mats and other safety measures, but when the seasons change, it’s time to reevaluate your safety strategy and ensure you have what you need to handle winter’s cold and wet weather.In addition to all the safety precautions you need to take, don’t forget to train your employees appropriately for working in winter conditions. Make them aware of the different kinds of hazards that can be present, like slippery surfaces and cold stress, as well as what they should do if they occur.

Make Your Warehouse A Safe Workplace This Winter

Since we can’t take away the cold winter weather, City Clean is offering some health and warehouse safety tips to help keep things in order throughout the season.

1.Warehouse Mats.

Never underestimate the importance and value of high quality warehouse mats. Having the right mats in your warehouse workplace will reduce the likelihood of slips and falls enormously. Anywhere that the floor space can become wet and slippery during the winter means that you need to ensure that the necessary warehouse mats are in place. Working during the colder months can also be even harder on the body, so you’ll also want to make sure that anti fatigue comfort mats are in place where employees will be standing for long periods of time.

2.Proper Footwear.

Each and every member of your workforce needs to have appropriate footwear in accordance with the working conditions. If there is snow, ice, or slippery surfaces of any kind, working in the wrong footwear can most certainly lead to serious injuries. Proper warehouse mats will certainly improve slippery conditions, but ensuring that employees are wearing safety footwear will also help keep everyone safe during the winter months.

3.Don’t Forget About Delivery Areas.

The most obvious areas when it comes to using warehouse mats are those areas inside the facility. However, when it comes to your delivery areas and all external spaces in general, you also need to be proactive when it comes to maintaining safe conditions. There are many commercial mats that are designed for indoor and outdoor use, so be sure to find the best mats to add to your busy delivery areas in order to manage the snow and ice.

4.Continual Safety Assessments.

Finally, the key to keeping warehouse safety throughout the winter lies in doing a continual assessment of all areas and involving each member of the workforce in maintaining your safety practices. As winter progresses, check and see if your mats need to be cleaned or replaced or if there is an area that could use additional warehouse mats in order to help keep the floors safe and dry.

Find Safety Mats For Your Warehouse With City Clean

Want to make your warehouse a safe workplace using safety mats? Start by contacting City Clean for a mat rental consultation. Our experienced staff can provide helpful information on the best type of mats for your facility, as well as where mats should be located in order to support the health and safety of your staff. While the start of winter may be off to a mild start, don’t wait until the snow really starts to fly to get your warehouse ready for winter! Remember, being proactive is one of the best ways to ensure your space is ready for whatever the winter months bring.